List your individual or group practice in our Provider Directory and help prospective clients and referral sources learn more about you and
the services you offer. Communicate in detail your unique credentials and expertise, and gain new clients who are well-matched to your professional strengths and interests.
Click here to view our listing requirements.
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In addition to the top 3 search engines (shown above), our national and local advertising, strategically refined for nearly 20 years, appears on many other popular search
engines, social networks, and over 7,000 targeted content sites. Here is a small sampling among the largest:
Here's what some of our members have said... |
"I want to thank you for providing such a thorough, helpful resource to potential clients. I am thrilled with the response I
have received from interested clients, and feel that your site offers providers a true opportunity to express themselves
professionally. I had no idea what to expect with an online therapy network and have been so pleasantly surprised by the
results in what feels like a relatively short period of time.
Thank you for providing such a wonderfully affordable, professional service! I have told many colleagues about your site
and look forward to growing my practice with your help."
–Mary Leopold, LCSW

"You're doing a wonderful job of generating referrals for my practice, so thank you!"
–Cynthia Peikoff

"I am not technically savvy and yet I had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS setting up my account. That is unheard of for me. Congratulations on
making this such a super and easy to use site."
–Crystal Barile, PhD

"I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your product. I am a clinical psychologist who just recently created an online profile and have
already had great results! My profile was easy to set up and after a few minutes I had an online presence and a few client inquiries. I have
gone back to edit the content and photos on my profile a few times and every time has been effortless, no headaches or frustrations! I have
even emailed your support staff for assistance and was happy to receive a prompt response. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful
site for mental health practitioners."
–Meredith Hansen, Psy.D.

"Your network has been very productive for me and I appreciate the work you guys have done."
–Gary Goldman, MFT

"Your website brings me lots of good business; I am happy that I signed up with your listing service."
–Sherry Katz, LCSW

"Thank you so much. People really do use this site! Can't understand why other therapists do not have a profile. Folks have self
referred because of the detail in the profile. I think I have about 4 active folks now from the site."
"I love your site and have given it to many other therapists who have created a profile. I get so many referrals and inquiries. You do a super job!"
–Barbara Goff