Thank you for your interest in submitting an article for publication in our Mental Health Library. If this is the
first time you are submitting an article, please be sure to read our submission guidelines
displayed below.
To submit an article, you must be listed as a mental health professional in our Provider Directory.
If you are not currently listed and would like to learn more about listing your practice, please click here.
For registered members who are currently listed in our Provider Directory, please log in here to continue.
We are excited that you are considering submitting an article for possible publication on the NetworkTherapy.com
Web site. We believe strongly that the continuing contribution from our members will help to maintain
NetworkTherapy.com as a rich, informative Internet resource for the thousands of visitors who access our site
every day. We are interested in publishing original, well-written articles covering a wide range of mental health subject
areas intended primarily for the general public.
Your articles should be between 500 and 2,500 words long. Longer articles may be considered, but please contact
us first. Articles may have been previously published in print or electronic media. However, articles previously published and accessible
on the Internet will most likely not be considered for publication. By submitting material for publishing consideration, you
are certifying that you own all rights to the material, that there are no copyright limitations on this work, and that you have
read and accept the provisions of these guidelines. The author retains full republication rights. Unless otherwise agreed upon,
submission of your work means that NetworkTherapy.com may display the material on our site for an indefinite period. However,
material may be edited or deleted at the request of the author or at our discretion.
Articles will include authorship recognition and, optionally, an author bio and credentials provided by you.
A link to your professional profile in our Provider Directory
will be included as well. Please note that we cannot guarantee that every article submitted will be accepted for
publication on our site. We will review your submission and will notify you of its acceptance via email.
