- CDC en Espanol - Salud Mental
The web page is a service of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It provides information on a wide range of mental health issues as well as publications, in Spanish.
- Centros Para el Control y la Prevencion de Enfermedades
La misión de los Centros Para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades es promover la salud y calidad de vida previniendo y controlando enfermedades, accidentes e incapacidades.
- FEMA.gov en Español
Agencia Federal para el manajo de emergencias.
- Santa Clarita Valley Youth Project
The Project is a community based non-profit venture that encourages youth to successfully deal with the concerns they face daily and to avoid high-risk activities such as drug use, unsafe sex, violence, criminal activity and running away. It offers youth and those who care about them, confidential, non-judgmental and non-threatening access to the services they need with absolutely no strings attached.
- Soy Unica! Soy Latina!
Public education campaign helping Hispanic girls and their mothers build and enhance their self-esteem, mental health, decision-making, and assertiveness skills.
- Soy Unica! Soy Latina!
Mí cuerpo se trate de aprender a amar y cuidar tu cuerpo-- es el único que tienes. Esto significa saber elegir los alimentos nutritivos, comer bien, y permanecer activa.
- Su Familia
Su Familia is a program of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health. It offers free, reliable and confidential health/mental health information in Spanish and English. Biligual information specialists are also able to access database referrals to local primary health care services for the uninsured/or under-insured. Call toll free Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm EST at (866) 783-2645.
The information above was taken, in part, from material provided by SAMHSA.