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  Conditions A to Z
Acute Stress
Adjustment Disorder
Alzheimer's Disease
Amnestic Disorders
Amphetamine Depen.
Antisocial Personality
Avoidant Personality
Binge Eating Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Body Dysmorphia
Borderline Personality
Brief Psychotic Dis.
Cannabis Dependence
Child Abuse
Chronic Tics
Circadian Rhythm Dis.
Cocaine Dependence
Conduct Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Delusional Disorder
Dependent Personality
Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative Fugue
Dissociative Identity
Domestic Violence
Elder Abuse
Expressive Lang. Dis.
Factitious Disorder
Feeding Disorder
Female Orgasmic Dis.
Gender Dysphoria
Generalized Anxiety
Hallucinogen Depen.
Histrionic Personality
Inhalant Dependence
Intellectual Disability
Male Erectile Disorder
Male Orgasmic Dis.
Mathematics Disorder
Narcissistic Personality
Nicotine Dependence
Nightmare Disorder
Opioid Dependence
Oppositional Defiant
Pain Disorder
Panic Disorder
Paranoid Personality
Pathological Gambling
Phencyclidine Depen.
Phonological Disorder
Postpartum Depression
Premature Ejaculation
Primary Hypersomnia
Primary Insomnia
Reactive Attachment
Reading Disorder
Restless Legs Synd.
Rett Syndrome
Rumination Disorder
Schizoaffective Dis.
Schizoid Personality
Schizophreniform Dis.
Schizotypal Personality
Sedative Dependence
Selective Mutism
Separation Anxiety
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Arousal Dis.
Sexual Aversion Dis.
Sexual Desire Dis.
Sexual Masochism
Sexual Sadism
Shared Psychotic Dis.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Terror
Social Phobia
Specific Phobia
Stereotypic Movement
Tourette Syndrome
Transient Tics
Transvestic Fetishism
  Medications A to Z


» Resource Center » Related Websites » Consumer/Survivor
  • Agoraphobics Building Independent Lives (ABIL)
    Agoraphobics Building Independent Lives is a non-profit organization for persons dealing with anxiety and panic disorders, incorporated in the State of Virginia. It has support groups nationwide.

  • Alliance for Justice
    Association of environmental, civil rights, mental health, consumer, and women's organizations dedicated to the survival and growth of public interest advocacy.

  • APA Help Center
    This representation of the Help Center may help you find information that interests you more quickly. If you are still having difficulty, try searching the Help Center using your keywords.

  • CHARG Resource Center
    The Center provides mental health treatment, advocacy, self-help and support, and recreational opportunities; offers information about mental illness to the public.

  • Comprehensive Advocacy, Inc. - Idaho
    This organization is Idaho's State Protection Agency. It assists people with disabilities to protect, promote and advance their legal and human rights, through quality legal, individual, and system advocacy.

  • Consumer/Survivor Information Resource Centre of Toronto
    Established to meet the information needs of consumer/survivors in the Toronto area. Includes an active information outreach program.

  • Contac: Consumer Organization and Networking Technical Assistance Center
    Consumer Organization and Networking Technical Assistance Center is sponsored by the West Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association. Serves as a resource for consumer/survivors/ex-patients and consumer-run organizations across the United States, promoting self-help, recovery, and empowerment.

  • Depressed Anonymous
    This is a 12 step program of recovery for persons with depression.

  • offers a platform for open peer discussion on the Internet for members in an atmosphere that is both supportive and informative. Participants discuss their experiences with depressive illnesses, other mental health issues, treatment options, and related topics.

  • Getting There: Helping People With Mental Illnesses Access Transportation
    The full integration of people with disabilities into our Nation’s communities is a primary goal of the President’s New Freedom Initiative. In 1999, the U.S. Supreme Court in Olmstead v. L.C. held that States should provide community-based services and supports to people with disabilities to enable them to live in the most integrated settings possible. However, for many, community integration is still a dream. Most communities nationwide are still struggling to develop the necessary services and supports. One of the greatest challenges is providing the transportation necessary for people with disabilities to participate in society.

  • Healing Touch: A Self-Injury Website
    This site offers resources for people who self-injure.

  • Human Services Research Institute
    The Human Services Research Institute assists States and the Federal Government enhance services and support for people with mental illness and mental retardation and develop alternatives to congregate care facilities.

  • MadNation
    This web site contains articles and editorials for and by activists working for social justice and human rights in the field of mental health.

  • Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC), Department of Veterans Affairs
    This Web site links users to all MIRECC centers. The stated mission of these centers is "to generate new knowledge about the causes and treatments of mental disorders, apply new findings to model clinical programs, and widely disseminate new findings through education to improve the quality of veterans' lives and their daily functioning in their recovering from mental illness." There are currently 10 MIRECCs nationwide.

  • National Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance Center
    The National Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance Center supports organizations providing services for mental health consumers, survivors and ex-patients by providing technical assistance in the forms of research, informational materials, and financial aid.

  • NEEDID Support Network, Inc.
    NEEDID Support Network, Inc. is a peer support network run by and for people with dissociative identity disorder and other trauma related dissociative disorders. The site includes mailing list, message forum, links, and reading room.

  • Panic Survivor
    This online community provides a forum for people who have been through trauma to tell their stories.

  • People Who
    People Who is a U S 501 (c) (3) organization incorporated in California. The web site includes information on a wide range issues that impact on the consumer/survivor community.

  • Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet
    Psychology Self-Help Resources on the Internet provides links to noncommercial sites providing information and help about specific disorders. Lists of brochures and articles, commercial psychology-related Web sites, psychology journals on the Web, other psychology resources, and scholarly psychology resources are available here.

  • Psychosis InSite
    This Web site is maintained by the Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) of the VA Desert Pacific Healthcare Network (VISN 22 in California/Nevada). The site offers free streaming video lectures presented at previous MIRECC sponsored accredited continuing education conferences, free online newsletter, links to VA mental clinics and other mental health resources, a discussion forum, and more. This Web site serves consumers of mental health information and professionals in the field.

  • Recovery, Inc.
    Recovery, Inc. is a self-help mental health program based on the ground breaking work of our founder a neuropsychiatrist, the late Abraham A. Low, M.D. We are non-profit, non-sectarian, and completely member managed. Recovery Inc., has been active since 1937 and we have groups meeting every week around the world.

  • Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America
    Interdisciplinary association for the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technologies.

  • Self Improvement from offers comprehensive information about self-improvement, personal growth and self-help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web.

  • Self-Injury, Abuse & Trauma Resource Directory
    This site provides numerous links to Internet information about self-injury, abuse, and trauma.

  • The Access Board
    An independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities.

  • The Medicine Program
    The Medicine Program was established by volunteers seeking to help those individuals who could not afford the cost of their prescriptions.

  • The Office on Women's Health
    Coordinates women's health efforts in HHS to eliminate disparities in health status and supports culturally sensitive educational programs that encourage women to take personal responsibility for their own health and wellness.

  • The Project Hope Foundation
    The Project Hope Foundation is dedicated to reducing depression and suicide (especially youth suicide). It has books, videos and instructions on self-education and how to run Life Skills Open Forums.

  • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Federal agency responsible for national housing programs, fair housing opportunities, and improvement and development of the Nations' communities.

  • Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC)
    Based in Melbourne, Australia. Consumer/survivor-run advocacy organization for people with mental health problems.

The information above was taken, in part, from material provided by SAMHSA.

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