- American Association of Pastoral Counselors
Pastoral Counseling is a unique form of psychotherapy that uses spiritual resources as well as psychological understanding for healing and growth. The American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) represents and sets professional standards for over 3,000 Pastoral Counselors and 100 pastoral counseling centers in North America and around the world.
- Christian Recovery International
This coalition of ministries helps people in the Christian community find a safe and helpful place to recover from abuse, addiction, or trauma.
- Lutheran Counseling & Family Services of Wisconsin (LCFS)
A non-profit, licensed social service agency serving children, individuals, and families throughout the State of Wisconsin. Licensed therapists and psychologists help clients learn to cope with different crises in their lives and can provide Christian counseling, if requested.
- Pastoral Counseling Centers of Tennessee, Inc.
Pastoral Counseling Centers of Tennessee, Inc. is made up of centers in Tennessee that provide pastoral counseling treatment services for a variety of disorders, most with fees based on ability to pay.
- Pathways to Promise Ministry and Mental Illness
Pathways is an interfaith technical assistance and resource center which offers liturgical and educational materials, program models, and networking information for use with people with mental illness and their families.
- The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. (ACPE)
ACPE is a multi-faith, multi-cultural organization that helps improve the quality of ministry offered by spiritual caregivers by providing clinical education methods of clinical pastoral education.
- World Relief
The humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals. Assists churches as they minister to victims of disaster, poverty, persecution and disease.
The information above was taken, in part, from material provided by SAMHSA.