Therapists in or near Costa Mesa, CA Distance: 5 miles Narrow | Expand
Accepting new patients in-person and via telehealth |
I believe therapy is a process of self-discovery and achieving a fulfilling lifestyle. When our lives are out of balance, it impacts our relationships and health. Therapy can restore that balance. My strengths as a ...
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Dr. Taryn Neal 1000 Quail Street Suite 125 Newport Beach, CA 92663
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In-Person Therapy/Counseling Available |
I have been practicing since 1999 and specialize in couples, teens aged 15-19, and young adults. I have a compassionate, down-to-earth, hands-on approach, which makes clients feel very comfortable talking to me. I use ...
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Lisa M. Stanton, LMFT P.O. Box 28618 Santa Ana, CA 92799
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The following therapists in or near Costa Mesa are available via telehealth. But feel free to ask about current in-person availability. |
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