Elevated Healing Treatment Centers Woodland Hills, CA |
"Welcome to Elevated Healing Treatment Centers, where we believe that every individual deserves a chance to reclaim their health and happiness. Nestled in the serene landscapes of Southern California, our center is not just a place to receive treatment; it's a community where healing and personal growth are nurtured.
At Elevated Healing, we understand that the path to ..."
Therapists in or near Venice, CA Distance: 25 miles Narrow | Expand
Accepting new patients in-person and via telehealth |
I believe therapy is a process of self-discovery and achieving a fulfilling lifestyle. When our lives are out of balance, it impacts our relationships and health. Therapy can restore that balance. My strengths as a ...
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Dr. Taryn Neal, Ed.D, Clinical Psychologist 1045 Atlantic Ave. Suite 806 Long Beach, CA 90813
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In-Person Therapy/Counseling Available |
I believe truly knowing that you can improve in your struggles, pain, and/or symptoms is one of the most valuable first steps you can make. I work together with my clients to develop goals that focus on symptom relief ...
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4510 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 210 Long Beach, CA 90804
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In-Person Therapy/Counseling Available |
My approach to healing is multi-dimensional and holistic. We focus on your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental well-being. In the past 20 years, I have helped hundreds of people turn their lives around. I have ...
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Linda Fisherman, Individual and Relationship Therapist 5743 Corsa Ave, Suite 103 Westlake Village, CA 91362
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The following therapists in or near Venice are available via telehealth. But feel free to ask about current in-person availability. |
Telehealth (Internet Video-Chat) visits with patients from California, Hawaii, Florida, Kansas or New York (all States in which Dr. Levine is licensed). Only 5% of all clinical psychologists in the U.S. are ...
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Dr. Bruce Levine - Board Certified Clinical Psychologist 9663 Santa Monica Blvd # 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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