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Detroit Therapists

Find a Therapist in Detroit, MI

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The therapist profile you requested is not available. But the following therapists are also in your area.
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Therapists 1-5 of 5
Michael Dolan, MS, TLLP (5.4 miles from Detroit)
Michael Dolan, MS, TLLP, Psychologist near Detroit
Hi, I'm Michael! I'm a clinical health psychologist that tries to connect people with the values they care about and help them manage the parts of life that cause them stress and get in the way of what they care about. ...

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835 Mason St
Suite B220
Dearborn, MI 48126

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Contact Michael Dolan, MS, TLLP about telehealth (video/phone) sessions Telehealth available

Nathan Terey, MA, BS, C.Ht., CAC (11.0 miles from Detroit)
Mental Health Counselor / Therapist   
Nathan Terey, MA, BS, C.Ht., CAC, Mental Health Counselor / Therapist near Detroit
My philosophy, as a mental health professional, encompasses a holistic approach that prioritizes the well-being and empowerment of individuals while recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Here are ...

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17348 West 12 Mile Road
Suite 202
Southfield, MI 48076

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Contact Nathan Terey, MA, BS, C.Ht., CAC about telehealth (video/phone) sessions Telehealth available

Gayle Walls-Brown, PhD, LMSW, CAADC, ACSW (13.4 miles from Detroit)
Clinical Social Worker / Therapist   
Gayle Walls-Brown, PhD, LMSW, CAADC, ACSW, Clinical Social Worker / Therapist near Detroit
By making the decision to seek treatment, you have taken the initial step toward your healing process. With a 30 year work history in the mental health field, I have helped many people maintain, enhance, and improve ...

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Dr. Gayle Walls-Brown
30400 Telegraph Rd Suite 379
Bingham Farms, MI 48025

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Contact Gayle Walls-Brown, PhD, LMSW, CAADC, ACSW about telehealth (video/phone) sessions Telehealth available

Primacare, LLC Mental Health and Consultation Services (15.3 miles from Detroit)
Group Practice   
Primacare, LLC Mental Health and Consultation Services, Group Practice near Detroit
Primacare is a mental health program which offers a full range of comprehensive counseling services and psychological testing.

We have been servicing patients in the community for over 28 years. We have 11 ...

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Primacare, LLC
28303 Joy Road
Westland, MI 48185

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Contact Primacare, LLC Mental Health and Consultation Services about telehealth (video/phone) sessions Telehealth available

Jennifer L. Belt, Psy.D (20.2 miles from Detroit)
Jennifer L. Belt, Psy.D, Psychologist near Detroit
"I believe that seeking therapy is a sign of courage and strength. By attending therapy, you may get clarity on difficult issues, obtain objective feedback, and develop individualized solutions that work for you and/or ...

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1460 Walton Blvd.
Suite 218
Rochester Hills, MI 48309

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Contact Jennifer L. Belt, Psy.D about telehealth (video/phone) sessions Telehealth available

Therapists 1-5 of 5   
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