Therapists in or near Barrie, ON Distance: 50 miles Expand
Only 3 therapists were found within 25 miles of Barrie. Your search was expanded to 50 miles. |
Caitlin Black
(49.9 miles from Barrie)
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) |
I offer both in person and virtual appointments at 1650 Yonge st. (2 blocks north of ... |
It’s a big step to seek a therapist - I’m so happy that you feel ready to consider positive change. I often work with people who are faced with healing from trauma, a new life transition, challenges finding meaning, ...
See full therapist profile
Common Ground Therapy 1650 Yonge St. 303 Toronto, ON M4T 1V2
Send email View phone number Telehealth available
The following therapists in or near Barrie are available via telehealth. But feel free to ask about current in-person availability. |
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