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Culture and Ethnicity

» Resource Center » Related Websites » Culture and Ethnicity
  • Asian American Psychological Association
    This non-profit organization serves psychologists who work in the Asian American communities.

  • Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum
    The Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum is a National advocacy organization dedicated to promoting policy, program, and research efforts for improvement of the health of all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. This site provides information about the forum and health resources for the Asian and Pacific Islander community.

  • Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
    The mission of the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence is to eliminate family violence and to strengthen Asian families and communities. Founded in 1987, the Task Force represents a group of diverse Asian community leaders concerned about the incidence of domestic violence in Asian communities. On this site you can find their newsletter, a list of events they sponsor, and information on domestic violence in the Asian community.

  • Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
    A membership organization working to improve the health status and access of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders within the United States, its territories and freely associated states.

  • Association of Black Psychologists
    An international resource that address the psychological needs of African people, ABP provides research publications, assessment techniques, and other products for practical solutions to the day-to-day circumstances of people of African decent.

  • Australia Department of Health and Aging
    The Australian Department of Health and Aging seeks to provide better health and healthier aging for all Australians.

  • Black Women’s Health Imperative
    Black Women's Health Imperative, formerly the National Black Women's Health Project, is an African American health education, research, advocacy, and leadership development institution. Founded in 1983 by health activist Byllye Y. Avery, it has promoted the empowerment of African American women, educated health care consumers, and provided a strong voice for the improved health status of African American women.

  • Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
    The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration coordinates U.S. international migration policy within the U.S. Government and through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. The Bureau has responsibility for formulating policies on population, refugees, and migration, and for administering U.S. refugee assistance and admissions programs.

  • Carnegie Endowment's International Migration Policy Program
    The Carnegie Endowment's International Migration Policy Program is a leading source of analysis on migration and refugee issues. It bridges the worlds of research and policy-making and brings an independent voice to U.S. and international policy debates.

  • Center for American Indian Health: The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
    Involved in research, design and implementation of strategies to raise the health and well being of American Indians to the highest possible level. Works in partnership with tribes.

  • Center for Applied Linguistics
    CAL offers hundreds of resources related to language learning and training for K-12, adult and university levels.

  • Center for Cross-Cultural Health
    This group is involved in the education and training of health and human service providers and organizations in the State of Minnesota and beyond, and is a research and information resource on integrating culture in improving health.

  • Center for Multicultural Human Services
    The Center for Multicultural Human Services assists mental health workers in meeting the needs of clients who have a culture and/or language barrier to treatment. The Center is dedicated to bridging the gap between diverse client populations and mainstream mental health provider organizations.

  • Center for Refugee Studies
    The Center conducts research on refugee issues; informs public discussion, policy development and practice innovation by international, governmental, advocacy and service organizations; and supports teaching in refugee and migration studies.

  • Centros Para el Control y la Prevencion de Enfermedades
    La misión de los Centros Para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades es promover la salud y calidad de vida previniendo y controlando enfermedades, accidentes e incapacidades.

  • Closing the Health Gap
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and ABC Radio Networks are working together to sponsor Closing the Health Gap, a national campaign to bring the best health information to African American communities and help African American consumers take charge of their health.

  • CrisisWeb
    This is the web site of the International Crisis Group, a private, multinational organization committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to anticipate, understand, and act to prevent and contain conflict. It offers news and reports on unstable situations in various countries around the world.

  • Cross Cultural Health Care Program
    Serves as a bridge between communities and health care institutions to ensure full access to quality health care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate.

  • en Español
    Agencia Federal para el manajo de emergencias.

  • Frontier Mental Health Services Resource Network
    The Frontier Mental Health Services Resource Network collects, analyzes, and synthesizes knowledge regarding mental health services in rural areas. Also offers technical assistance to rural agencies and advocates on mental health/substance abuse topics.

  • Global Diversity Search: Mental Health
    Global Diversity Search was developed by the National Multicultural Institute as a tool for finding articles on topics ranging from multicultural conflict resolution to mental health. The search engine is multilingual, allowing users to access materials in nine languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, Swedish, and Turkish.

  • Hispanic Federation
    A membership organization of Latino health and human services agencies serving Hispanics in the tri-state region -- New York, New Jersey & Connecticut.

  • Immigrant & Refugee Mental Health
    The Immigrant & Refugee Mental Health conducts research on the mental health of ethnocultural communities in Montreal. It is part of the Montreal Center of Excellence in Immigrant Studies, sponsored by Citizenship Canada and the Social Science Research Council of Canada.

  • Immigration and Refugee Services of America
    IRSA provides real, workable solutions, and brings hope and opportunity to the lives of thousands of refugees who are in crisis.

  • Indian Health Service
    An agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives.

  • International Catholic Migration Commission
    The International Catholic Migration Commission works in the area of forced migration, and serves uprooted people. Responds to the immediate needs of refugees, internally displaced persons and forced migrants, and focuses on the most vulnerable within these populations.

  • International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
    The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies provides a forum for the sharing of research, clinical strategies, public policy concerns, and theoretical formulations on trauma. It is dedicated to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge and to the stimulation of policy, program and service initiatives that seek to reduce traumatic stressors and their immediate and long-term consequences.

  • Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS
    Addresses HIV/AIDS issues throughout the world including research. Site is searchable and available in English, Spanish, and French.

  • Kurdish Human Rights Watch
    The Kurdish Human Rights Watch provides programs and activities related to the displacement of Kurds. It includes refugee, immigrant, and mentoring services.

  • Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
    Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services mobilizes action on behalf of uprooted people to see that they receive fair and equal treatment regardless of national origin, race, religion, culture, or legal status.

  • Migration & Refugee Services, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    This organization resettles nearly one-fourth of all refugees admitted to the U.S. each year through a concerted effort of program support and assistance to a network of over 100 diocesan refugee resettlement offices, and collaboration with other national resettlement and governmental agencies.

  • National Alliance for Hispanic Health
    The National Alliance for Hispanic Health (the Alliance) is the Nation's oldest and largest network of Hispanic health and human services providers. Alliance members deliver quality services to over 12 million persons annually.

  • National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse, Inc.
    A non-profit membership organization dedicated to addressing the alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) populations on the continental U.S., Hawaii, the six Pacific Island jurisdictions and elsewhere.

  • National Asian Women's Health Organization
    The National Asian Women's Health Organization is an advocacy movement working to inspire individuals to become active players in the political decision-making that impacted their daily lives.

  • National Association of Black Social Workers
    The National Association of Black Social Workers focuses its attention on the accountability of the social welfare system in communities of African ancestry, and the delivery of those services which are reflective of that experience.

  • National Black Child Development Institute
    Works to improve and protect the quality of life of African American children and their families. NBCDI’s focus is on early health and education, health, elementary and secondary education, child welfare and parenting.

  • National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
    This minority mental health research Center is sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health and is the only program of this type in the country focusing specifically on American Indian and Alaska Native populations.

  • National Center for Cultural Competence
    Working to increase the capacity of health care and mental health programs to design, implement and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems.

  • National Coalition for Haitian Rights
    The National Coalition for Haitian Rights is a coalition of Haitian religious, labor, and human rights organizations whose aim is to assure that Haitian asylum applicants receive fair hearings in the United States, and to educate the U.S. public about the political and economic causes of the Haitians' flight from their homeland.

  • National GAINS Center for People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System
    This group collects and disseminates information about effective mental health and substance abuse services for people with co-occurring disorders who come in contact with the justice system.

  • National Hispanic Medical Association
    The National Hispanic Medical Association addresses the interests and concerns of 26,000 licensed physicians and 1,800 full-time Hispanic medical faculty dedicated to teaching medical and health services research.

  • National Immigration Forum
    The National Immigration Forum advocates and builds public support for public policies that welcome immigrants and refugees and that are fair and supportive to newcomers in the U.S.

  • National Indian Child Welfare Association
    This is a national group dedicated to the well-being of American Indian children and families. Its goal is for every Indian child to have access to community-based, culturally-appropriate services which help them grow up safe, healthy and spiritually strong – free from abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, and the damaging effects of substance abuse.

  • National Indian Council on Aging
    Formed by a group of tribal chairmen in 1976, the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) serves as a non-profit advocate for the Nation’s (est.) 296,000 American Indian and Alaska Native elders. NICOA strives to better the lives of the Nation's indigenous seniors through advocacy, employment training, dissemination of information, and data support. This site provides information on conferences, publications, policy analysis, and other information that is helpful to indigenous seniors and those who work with them.

  • National Indian Health Board
    Advocates for the highest quality and sufficient quantity of health services for American Indians and Alaskan Natives and to make Native Americans' health status equal with that of other American groups.

  • National Latino Children's Institute
    The National Latino Children’s Institute (NLCI) is the only National Latino organization that focuses exclusively on children. Its mission is to serve as the voice for young Latinos. NLCI staff fulfills this mission by promoting and implementing the National Latino Children’s Agenda.

  • National Minority AIDS Council
    A national organization dedicated to developing leadership within communities of color to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS.

  • National Native American AIDS Prevention Center
    The Center's mission is to stop the spread of HIV and related diseases among American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians and to improve the quality of life for Native American communities infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

  • National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health
    A national and multidisciplinary leader in the study of Asian Pacific American mental health research, the Center aims to contribute theoretical and applied research that will have a valuable impact on mental health policy and service delivery to Asian Pacific Americans.

  • Native Elder Health Care Resource Center
    The Native Elder Health Care Resource Center is a national resource center for older American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians, with special emphasis on culturally competent health care. Located in the School of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado.

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The information above was taken, in part, from material provided by SAMHSA.

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