- Native Indian Women's Health Resource Center (NIWHRC)
The National Indian Women's Health Resource Center (NIWHRC), is a National non-profit organization that assists American Indian and Alaska Native women achieve optimal health and well being throughout their lifetimes.
- Navajo Family Health Resource Network
The Navajo Family Health Resource Network (formerly the Navajo Nation Family Planning Corporation) is a non-profit organization committed to serving the health needs of all Native people living within the four sacred mountains of the Navajo Nation. The network promotes traditional values and harmony, while incorporating the latest advances in medicines and public health.
- Office of Minority Health
OMH helps to ensure that Federal, State, and local health programs take into account the needs of disadvantaged and racial and ethnic populations, including their specific and cultural characteristics.
- Office of Refugee Resettlement Home Page
ORR advises the Secretary of Health and Human Services on matters relating to refugee resettlement, immigration, and repatriation. ORR plans, develops, and directs implementation of a comprehensive program for domestic refugee and entrant resettlement assistance. This site indexes ORR regulations, information on welfare reform, and Medicaid information.
- Refugee Health ~ Immigrant Health
This is an online guide for consumers and professionals that includes health information and some excellent summaries of various refugee cultures can be found here.
- Refugee Studies Centre
The Centre's objectives are to carry out multidisciplinary research and teaching on the causes and consequences of forced migration; to disseminate the results of that research to policy makers and practitioners, as well as within the academic community; and to understand the experience of forced migration from the point of view of the affected populations.
- Southeast Asian Resource Action Center
The Southeast Asian Resource Action Center facilitates the relocation of Southeast Asian refugees into American society and the development of nonprofit organizations led by and for Southeast Asians.
- Soy Unica! Soy Latina!
Public education campaign helping Hispanic girls and their mothers build and enhance their self-esteem, mental health, decision-making, and assertiveness skills.
- Soy Unica! Soy Latina!
Mí cuerpo se trate de aprender a amar y cuidar tu cuerpo-- es el único que tienes. Esto significa saber elegir los alimentos nutritivos, comer bien, y permanecer activa.
- Support and Training for Elation and Depression in Youth (STEADY)
STEADY is a self management training program for young people with the mental health diagnosis of bipolar disorder (manic depression) or extreme mood swings. The Steady training course is open to residents of the British Isles aged 18 to 25 years old. The Steady project is run in the United Kingdom by the Manic Depression Fellowship and is sponsored by The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund and Comic Relief.
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
This Web site provides information to introduce you to the new Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It also provides information about various administrative and management functions and responsibilities now within the DHS that were once in the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).
- U.S. Committee for Refugees
Founded in 1958 to coordinate the United States' participation in the United Nations' International Refugee Year (1959), USCR has since worked for refugee protection and assistance in all regions of the world to defend the rights of all uprooted people regardless of their nationality, race, religion, ideology, or social group.
- World Health Organization
Monitors disease outbreaks internationally through The Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network. WHO definition of HEALTH is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
- World Relief
The humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals. Assists churches as they minister to victims of disaster, poverty, persecution and disease.
The information above was taken, in part, from material provided by SAMHSA.