Curriculum Vitae
Tampa, Fl
(813) 636-8811
Areas of Specialty
Military Family • Research • Infant and Early Childhood • Aging • Family and Child Assessment • Individual, Family, and Group Therapy • Mental Health • School Social Work • Special Education Assessment • Diversity Training • Substance Abuse • Staff Development and Training • Management and Supervision • Undergraduate Instruction and Facilitation
Doctorate of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Diversity Studies, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, 08/04 - 12/09
Education Specialist of Special Education, Infant and Early Childhood Special Education Leadership Training Program , The George Washington University, Washington, DC, 08/01 - 08/03
Master of Social Work, Clinical , Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA, 08/96 - 05/98
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Sociology, Saint Leo University, Saint Leo, FL ,10/91 - 05/94
Certification and Licensure
Licensed Clinical Social Worker GA, 03/03 - 09/2016
Licensed Clinical Social Worker FL, 07/04 - 03/17
Qualified Mental Health Supervisor FL, 07/04 - 03/17
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker WDC, 09/01 - 07/17
Paid Professional Experience
Frankie Small, LCSW, Tampa East, Fl - Private Practice Clinical Social Worker, 12/14- Current
Provide intake assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy
Develop and implement behavior modification plans with family and children
Assist parents and children with understanding and accessing academic services under IDEA
Assist parents to facilitate communication between the school and home
Employee Assistance Program provider
Large group training
Complete records documentation
Insurance credentialing: Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicare, CAQH
Consultation and Professional Supervision
Frankie Small, LCSW, Conyers, GA - Private Practice Clinical Social Worker, 07/07- 08/2011
Provide intake assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy
Develop and implement behavior modification plans with family and children
Assist parents and children with understanding and accessing academic services under IDEA
Assist parents to facilitate communication between the school and home
Employee Assistance Program provider
Large group training
Complete records documentation
Insurance credentialing: Military One Source, Tricare, Ceridian, United Healthcare, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, CAQH
Consultation and Professional Supervision
Spectrum, Fort Carson, CO - Marriage and Family Therapy Clinical Social Worker, 11/07 - 05/08
Provide intake assessment for active duty military members and their families
Provide individual and family therapy
Participate in multidisciplinary team meetings
Assist parents to facilitate school adjustment and academic referral
Resource referral, consultation, training
Destin Counseling, Destin, FL - Private Practice Clinical Social Worker, 11/04 - 06/07
Provided intake assessment, individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy
Assist parents and children with understanding and accessing academic services under IDEA
Assist parents to facilitate communication between the school and home
Developed individual child based behavior modification plans and implemented with family
Provided intern supervision
Completed records documentation
Insurance credentialing: Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Military One Source, Magellan, Multiplan, Managed Care Concepts, Motorola APS, NEAS, PHCS, Southwest EAP, Tricare Prime, APS Healthcare, United Behavioral Health, and CAQH
Cope Center, DeFuniak Springs, FL - Family and Child Assessor, 11/04 - 06/07
Completed comprehensive assessment of infants, children, and families in the areas of education, medical, environment, culture, and development in order to provide Diagnostic Classification & Child Development 0-3R, DSM IVTR, and Axis IV diagnosis as well as placement and treatment recommendations
Utilized norm referenced instruments for assessing domains
Insurance certification: Medicaid
Utilized on-line environment for report completion and submission
Beacon House, Pensacola, FL - PRN/Contract Adoption Social Worker, 03/05 - 06/07
Provided initial home study evaluation for international adoptions
Provided follow up home study visits
Prepared and finalized reports
Marvelous Light Consultants, Lithonia, GA - Family and Child Assessor, 01/04 - 07/04
Provided direct services for assessment of children and their families in order to assess first placement/best placement for children taken into custody for suspected abuse and/or neglect to include medical, educational, developmental, cultural, and environmental assessment
Utilized norm referenced instruments for assessing domains
Attended and functioned as a member of a multi-disciplinary team
Provided supervision to entry level workers
District of Columbia Public Schools, Central Office, Washington, DC - Assistant Director Special Education School Support, 08/02 - 07/03
Supervised teams and facilitated special education meetings for elementary and early childhood
Participated in the selection and hiring of permanent and contract assessment, placement, intervention and other school-based personnel providing services for children
Reviewed options for servicing children in their neighborhood schools by examining the least restrictive environment
Participated in school special education budget plan and five-year city wide strategic plan development
Identified and clarified instructional practices through utilization of scientifically based research
Attended and participated in leadership meetings and executive leadership meetings
Organized training and monthly updates for principals, special education coordinators, and special
education specialists utilizing the Individuals with Disabilities Act and No Child Left Behind legislation
Monitored timely completion of hearing office determinations, settlement agreements, mediation requests, and dispute resolution committee requests
Facilitated support to schools during Federal Grants Office and Office of Special Education audits
Developed, implemented, and monitored city-wide special education programs
Facilitated meetings for students attending thirty-six elementary schools and three centers
District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, DC - Social Worker/Specialist, 08/00 - 08/02
District of Columbia Charter Schools, Washington, DC - School Social Worker, 08/99 - 08/00
Coordinated teams and facilitated meetings
Created group and individual behavior plans for teacher classroom management
Completed social histories, functional behavior assessments, and adaptive behavior
scales for elementary school and early childhood students
Monitored compliance through the use of a technology program
Assisted parents and caregivers with resource referral for support for housing, medical, and emotional needs
Family and Child Services, Washington, DC - Social Worker II, 11/98 - 08/99
Provided consultation, assessment and intake screening, individual counseling, family therapy, group counseling, and resource referral for teen mothers and their babies
Assisted teens and case managers in court and with court reporting on progress and status
Supervised paraprofessional staff members
Prepared quarterly reports
Sumter Commission/New Alternatives, Sumter, SC - Counselor/Administrative, 02/92 - 06/95
Provided individual, group, and family therapy to adults recovering from substance abuse
Completed assessment utilizing DSM III criteria, DSM IV criteria, and ASAM criteria
Provided case management and collaboration with referral agencies
Provided financial counseling and billing
Paid Academic Experience
Axia College, On-line Main Campus, Adjunct Facilitator Human Services, 01/09 - Current
Facilitate on-line course discussions
Monitor class participation
Administer curriculum and assignments
Provide student feedback and final grades
HHS 235 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health and Human Services
Saint Leo University, Atlanta, GA - Adjunct Instructor Sociology, Social Sciences, 03/04 - Current
(Currently instructor Center for Online Learning; previously adjunct Atlanta Center)
Provide instruction for undergraduate courses
Create syllabus and structure class assignments
Administer examinations
SOC 121 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 320/SSC320/ SWK 320 Methods of Social Research
SOC 323 Sociological Theory
SOC 328/SSC 328/CRM 328 Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior
SOC 496 Comprehensive Sociology Examination
SOC 499 Senior Seminar in Sociology
SSC 322/HTY 322 Race and Ethnicity in American Culture
SSC 324 Marriage and the Family
SOC 222/SSC 222 Social Problems
SSC 101 The Human Behavior Perspective
SSC 327 Applied Anthropology
SSC 332 Social Interaction in Everyday Life
SSC 337 Diversity Issues in Social Work Practice
University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL- Adjunct Instructor Social Work, 08/05 - 12/05
Provided instruction for undergraduate social work courses
Created syllabus and structured class assignments
Structured and created class for dual instruction on-line and in-class
Provided guidance for students
SOW3620 Practice with Culturally Diverse Populations
SOW4232 Analysis of Social Services Policy
University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL- Graduate Assistant, 08/05 - 12/05
Provided research assistance
Provided note taking
Assisted professor in areas of request relevant to Diversity Studies and Social Sciences
Non-Paid and Internship Experience
National Clearinghouse for School Reform, Washington, DC - Research Intern, 05/03 - 08/03
Provided Research
Completed annotated bibliography and executive summary of findings
Provided presentation of findings to clearinghouse staff
National Clearinghouse for English Acquisition, Washington, DC - Research Intern, 5/02 - 08/02
Provided research
Completed annotated bibliography and executive summary of findings
Identified sites for web links on the national organization website
Safehaven Children’s Shelter, Newport News, VA - Social Work Intern, 08/97- 04/98
Completed assessment and intake for children identified at risk
Provided case management
Facilitated group and individual counseling
Provided school support services
Newport News Hospital, Newport News, VA - Social Work Intern, 01/97- 04/97
Provided direct services to clients with a mental health diagnosis in an outpatient treatment program
Provided assessment, resource referral, individual, family, and group counseling
Participated as a multidisciplinary team member
First Homecare Psychiatric Institute, Hampton, VA - Social Work Intern, 08/96 - 12/96
Provided direct services to clients with a mental health diagnosis in an outpatient treatment program
Provided assessment, resource referral, individual, family, and group counseling
Participated as a multidisciplinary team member
Research, Presentations, Writings
Small, F. (2009, October). The therapeutic role of other: The phenomenology of community life for widows aging together: Healing of self with other – in community. Paper to be presented at the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences Conference, Fairfax, VA.
Small, F. (2008). Military widows aging together in community. Dissertation. (Ed.D.) -- University of West Florida, 2008.
Small, F. (2008, October). The phenomenology of a doctoral learning community: Fostering sisterhood, family, and the othermother in the doctoral learning community. Paper presented at the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Small, F. (2003, July). Comparison and contrast of no child left behind, individuals with disabilities in education act, and the improving education results for children with disabilities act: Assessment implications for children with disabilities in general and special educational settings. Unpublished education specialist research project, The National Center for School Reform, Washington, DC.
Small, F. (2002, Fall). Facilitated iep meetings: Shared responsibilities. Presented at the DCPS Division of Special Education Kick Off Meeting.
Small, F. (2002, Fall). Utilizing the arts in special education . Presented in a panel discussion at the VSA Maryland Teacher Training.
Small, F. (2003, July). Best/Recommended assessment practices for determining special education eligibility with english language learners. Unpublished education specialist research project, The National Center for English Language Acquisition, Washington, DC.
Small, F. (2000, January). Teaching from within: Behavior modification and behavior reward plans.
Presented to the staff at Southeast Academy Public Charter School, In Service Training, Washington, DC.
Small, F. (1998, June). Parts of the whole. NASW NEWS [Editorial], p.2.
Small, F. (1994). State park correctional institute needs assessment. Unpublished bachelors research study, Saint Leo University, Sumter, SC.
Honors, Affiliations, Committees
● Community Action Information Board Air Force Space Command, Senior Spouse Participant, 2008 - Current ● Peterson Air Force Base Spouses Club Board, Honorary Advisor, 2008 - Current ● Hurlburt Field Spouses Club Board, Honorary Advisor, 2006-2007
● Leadership Training Representative Division II Special Education Central Office Transformation Phase II, District of Columbia Schools and The Mid-Atlantic Regional Educational Laboratory, 2003
● DCPS Business Plan for Strategic Reform Division of Special Education Committee Member, 2003
● Division II Administrator’s Meeting, Special Education Monthly Team Presenter, 2002-2003
● No Child Left Behind Training Institute DCPS Participant, 2003
● Holmes Partnership Conference Member Washington, DC, 2003
● Meeting Emerging Agendas in Special Education Administration, GWU OSEP Scholarship, 08/01 - 08/03
● Graduate Fellowship, Norfolk State University, 08/97 - 05/98
● Sumter County Mental Health Executive Board Member/Secretary, 10/94 - 06/95
● Sumter County Rapid Transport Committee Member, 10/94 - 06/95
● Saint Leo University Honor Graduate, Cum Laude, 05/98
Professional Affiliations
Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, 2008 - Current
National Association of Social Worker, 01/97 - Current
Delta Epsilon Sigma National Honor Society, 05/96 - Current
Okaloosa County Mental Health Association, 01/05 - 06/07
District of Columbia Public Schools Emergency Response Team, 01/00 - 07/03
Sumter County Mental Health Association, 10/94 - 06/95
Professional Development
Ethical Issues in Clinical Supervision, 07/09 • Supporting Military Families and the Professionals Who Serve Them, 04/09 • Working Effectively as an Interdisciplinary Team, 03/09 • Suicide and Risk Assessment, 03/09 • Seasonal Affective Disorder, 03/09 • Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, 03/09 • Disaster Preparedness in Mental Health, 03/09 • Boundary and Ethical Issues in Counseling, 03/09 • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 03/09 • Medical Errors in Mental Health Prevention, 03/09 • Understanding Genetics: The Social Worker’s Role, 03/09 • Achieving Cultural Competence to Reduce Health Disparity in End of Life Care, 03/09 • Understanding Cancer Caregiving: The Social Worker’s Role, 03/09 • Treating Complex Psychological Trauma, 07/08 • Optimizing ADHD Treatment: Subtypes and Comorbidity, 07/08 • Cultural Considerations in Behavioral Health, 07/08 • Pharmacology, December 2007 • Practice Based Evidence as Evidence Based Practice • Lecture Skills, Fall 07 • Assessment of Learning, Fall 07 • Collaborative Learning, Summer 07 • Using Electronic Resources, Summer 07 • Introduction to Distance Learning, Summer 07 • Ethical Considerations Regarding Informed Consent, Client Rights, and Confidentiality, 02/07 • Boundary Issues, 02/07 • Medical Mistakes and Errors in Mental Health, 02/07 • Understanding HIV/AIDS: The Social Worker’s Role, 09/06 • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 04/06 • Understanding Malpractice Risk: What Social Workers Can Do, 04/06
Other Skills
Computer Literate: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, Word Perfect