Professional Summary
Teaching and Training Experience:
Dr. Vannicelli is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in the Harvard Medical School, and is on the faculty of the Mass School of Professional Psychology where she teaches doctoral candidates how to do group psychotherapy. She has trained and supervised clinical staff at many agencies in the Greater Boston area including: Family Counseling and Guidance, the Training Program of the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy, Boston Institute for Psychotherapies, Spaulding Hospital, Minor Street Day and Evening Program (HCHP), Brighton Memorial ATP, and Boston ASAP.
Honors and Awards:
Who's Who in American Professional Woman (1988); Fellow, American Group Psychotherapy Association; Advisory Board, American Academy of Health Care Specialists in the Addictive Disorders; and past tenures as Editorial Reviewer for the International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, and Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Clinical Positions and National Consultation Appointments:
Following her internship at McLean Hospital, Dr Vannicelli founded and for 20 years was the Director of the Appleton Outpatient Treatment Center at Mclean Hospital. She is currently a Clinical Associate at Mclean. She has also held positions as Consultant to: the National Academy of Sciences, the National Center of Alcohol Education, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, and the Mass Advisory Unit on Mental Health.
Clinical Writing and Lectures:
Dr. Vannicelli has written extensively (more than 50 professional publications) including two Guilford Press books: Group Psychotherapy with ACOA's: Treatment Techniques and Countertransference Considerations; and Removing the Roadblocks: Group Psychotherapy with Substance Abusers and Family Members. She has also lectured widely (more than 200 appearances) on TV and Nationally and internationally on topics of special interest: midlife issues, woman's issues, group psychotherapy, couples treatment, and the treatment of ACOA's and alcohol abusers. Selected titles include:
"Fifty/Fifty: The Meaning of Midlife for Women"
"Midlife, Madness and Mourning"
"How Family Members Cope and Help when Faced with Substance Abuse"
"The Good Ending: When Sad is Satisfying"
"Adult Children of Alcoholics: The Myths and the Magic".
"Guided Self-Management: A New Alternative to Abstinence for Problem Drinkers"
"The Use of Contracting in Group Psychotherapy: Fostering the Working Alliance"
"Addressing the Needs of Women Alcoholics -- Barriers to Treatment"
"A Dualistic Model for Group Treatment of Alcohol Problems: Abstinence–based Treatment for
Alcoholics, Moderation Training for Problem Drinkers"
"How the Group Leader Helps and Hinders: Dilemmas in Countertransference"